Online Sega Multiplayer

Play Sega Online for Free! Any & All Sega Games! You can even play 2-Player Mode games with a friend across the world!

Windows Setup:

Section A: Download Fusion (aka the Sega Emulator)

First, download Fusion from Emulator Zone .
(click here for the direct link) .
[//jeb todo put a screenshot of the download]

Section B: Download Sega Games (aka the Sega Roms)
  1. Create a Games folder inside of your Fusion364 folder.
  2. Click Here after you have it working to download any & all additional Sega games.
  3. Save downloaded games into your Fusion365 => Games folder and play them via your Fusion.exe.
[//jeb todo show screenshot or gif of loading up a rom]

If you want to play 1-player That's All! But continue reading if you would like to play 2-Player Mode games with a friend across the world!

Section C: Hamachi Setup
  1. First, download Hamachi from Emulator Zone .
  2. Run the InstallHamachi.msi installer.
  3. Sign up for a free LogMeIn Hamachi account. (There should be instructions for this at the end of said installer.)
  4. Sign in and join an existing network. (The Network ID is: KupoKupoKupo) (The Password is not required, but it is: kupo)
  5. If you have Hamachi setup correctly you should see something like this (Make sure there are no errors or warnings on KupoKupoKupo):
    2-Player Sega Online [//jeb get screenshot]

Section D: Network Setup
  1. Test that both you and another player are correctly inside of the KupoKupoKupo Network. (You should be able to Chat and Ping, there is also a built in Diagnostics.)
  2. If you're still having problems here, try disabling your computer's Firewall.

Section E: Fusion Sega Setup
  1. Unless you've already done this, Download the zip package from the link above and extract the files.
  2. Go into the Sega folder and run Fusion.exe.
  3. Players must load a game file from File => Load *Game*
  4. That should bring up a search box to find the chosen game, there is a Games folder inside of the Sega folder.
  5. For 2-Player: File - Netplay - Join Netplay Game - Join on the name of the computer shown on Hamachi (Section A, in my example the computer is R2D2).

Free Sega Online 2-Player [//jeb todo]

Enjoy! Please contact us if you need any help or have any questions!

Section F: Bonus: Purchase and Setup A Controller!